City Rendering, PolyLines, Uncategorized

OSM Renderer – Polylines part 2

Rendering Polylines In part 1 I learned how to identify polylines and came up with a simple visual representation by drawing the polylines using the OpenGL "GL_LINES" primitive. This led to a network of lines representing the centres of roads/rivers/railway lines etc. Extracting the data To allow us to render the roads with some proper "width"… Continue reading OSM Renderer – Polylines part 2

City Rendering, Uncategorized

OpenStreetMap in 3d Video!

As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words... A video however is much better than a picture! This video has been captured from an iPhone 5s using Quicktime movie recording. I know the video looks laggy, but this is mostly because of me not being very smooth with my finger gestures to… Continue reading OpenStreetMap in 3d Video!

Building Heights, City Rendering

Building Heights!

We have heights! To improve the realism of the building/city rendering the next step I took was to parse the building heights from the Open Street map objects. The height tag is described on the OSM Wiki here. The main points are as following:  the "height" tag of the way returns the maximum height of the… Continue reading Building Heights!

City Rendering

Rendering Rooftops – Triangulating polygons

Now that we have the walls complete, I thought it would be a good time to move onto rendering the rooftops! Instead of having to triangulate the polygons myself, I looked online to find a triangular to do it for me. I stumbled across an old flipcode article that had a triangular in it. I simply… Continue reading Rendering Rooftops – Triangulating polygons