Building Heights, City Rendering, Uncategorized

ReRun is in the appstore!

After experimenting on this OSM 3d building “stuff” for a while, I decided to make an app out of it and release this to the iOS appstore! While based on my old code base documented on this blog, this has now transitioned completely too swift and is using mostly metal, but also some scenekit for the rendering (instead of OpenGL). You can check this out here: Appstore Link.

This app allows you to take your workouts from Strava and view them in a 3D Environment. It uses OSM data for the buildings and Satellite/Elevation data to allow for 3D terrain and to texture the model.

So far I have actually received quite a few feature requests, so I plan to continue working on it. Top of the list is to add support for exporting and sharing videos/gifs and to allow visualisation from workouts retrieved from apple health. I am also working on a chase camera.

5 thoughts on “ReRun is in the appstore!”

  1. I recently upgraded to OS10.14.6 Went to use Rerun last night and found that it doesn’t appear to work with what I am now running. Don’t know if it will work when I eventually upgrade to OS 10 Catalina.


    1. Hi Rick! Sorry to hear that. I will upgrade my mac to that version and see if it works for me. I know the iOS version definitely works – if you can – you may want to use that in the mean time


    2. Nick, it turns out that this is because Strava changed the way their service works. I updated the iOS version of the app and forgot i would also have to update the mac version. Expect a new version soon.



  2. Hello, Rufus! I’ve been enjoying ReRun (thank you for putting it out there!) on both my iPhone and MacBook Pro. iOS app still seems to be going strong, but, since upgrading to Big Sur, the Mac version crashes on start. I can forward a log file if that’s useful, but thought I’d let you know. Again, many thanks for ReRun — I love to watch the app version of me glide smoothly along my route, instead of the actual staggering gasping real version of me. Cheers, mate!


    1. Hey! Thanks for taking the time to track me down and give the response.

      To be brutally honest I don’t really work on the Mac version of the app – which probably shows in the lack of updates.

      this is because there are not many people that use it on Mac, and even on the iOS app – it doesn’t really justify the work that I put in – I mostly do it for fun haha.

      However since you specifically pointed it out, I will see about improving the Mac version a bit. It might take some time though!
      no need for the logs, I will likely face the same issues when I upgrade to big sir.

      hope you enjoy the festive period, and again – thanks for the feedback!



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